Archive for April, 2005 tags

Friday, April 1st, 2005
Practical suggestions for making useful tags

The value of tags is enhanced by using them consistently and extensively. Here’s three rules of thumb I use for tags on (more…)

Spoilt for choice

Friday, April 1st, 2005
Short reviews of social bookmark services

Maybe is a bit plain for your palate, maybe you want a bit of variety — there are several alternatives (more…)

Social bookmarking - it’s!

Friday, April 1st, 2005

Do your favourites play favourite with only one browser? Maybe it’s time you made your bookmarks more social.

Social bookmarking, sometimes called link blogging, is a relatively new online idea that allows you to store your bookmarks online. So you can use the same set of bookmarks in any browser, on any computer, wherever there is an Internet connection. (more…)